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AB 2553: Major Transit Stop Definition: CEQA and Traffic Impact Fees

UPDATE: This legislation was referred to the Committees on Housing and Community Development and Local Government on 3-4-24.

AB-2553 was introduced by Assembly Member Friedman on 2-14-2024.

Residential projects on infill sites are exempt from CEQA under certain requirements, including proximity to major transit stops.

This bill would modify the CEQA definition of a "major transit stop." Frequency of service would be increased from 15-20 minutes and would require sites in urbanized areas be provided with on-demand transit service at least 12 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Additionally, areas qualified for reduced vehicular traffic impacts fees would be expanded to include all major transit stops within 1/2 mile instead of being limited to proximity to rail/light-rail stations, ferry terminals, bus hubs, or bus transfer stations.

See also AB 3177 for a similar bill.


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